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We still need your help.

There are some big changes ahead at St Mary’s due to the success of our Uplift! fundraising campaign and the award of a grant of just under £1 million from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Restoration and improvement works will definitely start early in 2025. We are still short of 100k on our fundraising but the PCC has been offered a bridging loan to cover that, if necessary. Obviously we don’t want to have to take the loan because it is interest bearing and we still have a number of grant applications awaiting decision and ongoing events in the local Uplift campaign.

Follow the links to find out more and get involved with the Reordering Project and the Uplift! fundraising campaign.

TIf you can, please donate by following the link below. And if possible, share the link on your social media and with friends and family.

Read more about Uplift here.
I hope you find the information on the rest of this website useful and thank you so much for all the support already received.

Fr. Jim

Thank you to our Supporters

In the next few days we will be acknowledging here all the organisations and trusts that have so far given or pledged money to the project.

But especially we thank the many Totnes residents who have generously donated to the fund!

You may know of St Mary’s Church already but if not, you’re invited to continue reading and learn more about our church which has stood at the heart of Totnes for over 500 years. At least two other churches came before us on a site hallowed for over a thousand years by prayer, chant and silence. 

Monks, merchants, the rich and the poor have left the imprint of their prayers here. And today a wide variety of people of all faiths and social and economic backgrounds pass through our doors to light a candle and offer a moment of reflection.

And so much more.

Welcome to St Mary’s Church

Help us transform
St Mary's


A significant landmark in Totnes

Significant Landmark

St Mary’s is a significant landmark here in Totnes with its red tower and defining pinnacles that reach high above the neighbouring buildings. It’s a visual delight for lovers of architecture, photography and history, but also for all that live here and for those who visit the town each year.

But… it’s on the inside where St Mary’s really leaves its mark on those who pass through the doors. This space of purpose is where history, music and the sacred entwine. You can feel it when you step inside. The church has witnessed many challenges and has stood through massive social upheavals.

A Place of Heritage and Learning

Today, as times change again, our church remains a place of sanctuary, wisdom and learning for all that is most profound in the human spirit. It’s a place of heritage but also one of resilience and sustainability in a new planetary era. And just as St Mary’s has witnessed many challenges throughout the centuries, so it must adapt again. You can be part of the journey that will ensure its bright and purposeful future.  For more information on getting involved, please visit the Friends of St Mary’s Church (link coming soon) to learn more.



St Mary’s

You can provide financial support but volunteering with us is just as important and welcome. Contact for further details or donate below.

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